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发布日期:2021/1/15 11:25:07     作者:管理员





03  刘立云、李林芸、柳良/综合驱动创新  统整彰显特色——基于四川音乐学院“艺术课程”的统整研究

LIU Liyun, LI Linyun, LIU Liang: A Study on the Integration of Art Courses in SCCM


10  刘永福/基本乐科教学现状及问题反思

LIU Yongfu: The Current Situation of Teaching Basic Music Subjects and Some Reflections on Its Problems


15  朱玉江/当代知识观转型与学校音乐课程范式转向

ZHU Yujiang: The Transformation in the Contemporary Conception of Knowledge and the Paradigm for School Music Course




23  孙洪斌/“新文科”理念下艺术复合型人才创新性培养模式探索与实践

SUN Hongbin: The Exploration and Practice in the Innovative Mode of Cultivating Compound Art Talents in the Context of “New Liberal Arts”


29  康瑞军/“新文科”背景下高师音乐专业学科建设的挑战与出路

KANG Ruijun: The Challenge and Outlet for the Disciplinary Construction of Music as Major in Normal Universities in the Context of “New Liberal Arts”



34  赵志安、曹军军、王毅潇/国家音乐产业基地园区评价指标体系的初步建构

ZHAO Zhi’an, CAO Junjun, WANG Yixiao: The Construction of the Evaluation Index System for National Music Industrial Base


43  林印吉/从声音装置艺术作品看艺术与科技的融合

LIN Yinji: The Fusion of Art and Technology Viewed from the Sound Installation Works


48  曾诚/商业音乐产品模式对流行音乐制作教学的影响

ZENG Cheng: The Influence of Commercial Music Products Mode on Popular Music Production Teaching




54  居其宏/我国歌剧史论研究和批评的现状与思考

JU Qihong: The Current Situation of Studies and Criticisms on China Opera History and Some Reflections on It


59  陈玲俐/利盖蒂的“静态”音乐研究——以《永恒之光》为例  

CHEN Lingli: On György Ligetis “Static” Music: A Case Study of Lux Aeterna


70  朱为总、朱温臣/信仰抉择 人性光芒——浅评现代越剧《枫叶如花》

ZHU Weizong, ZHU Wenchen: Choice in Belief and Light of Human Nature: A Brief Review of Modern Yue Opera Flower-like Maple Leaves




74  杨晓琴、董一知/歌剧还是戏曲?——论王光祈歌剧观

YANG Xiaoqin, DONG Yizhi:A Study on Wang Guangqi’s Conception of Opera





82  杨小影/“智能+钢琴教育”初步构想浅析

YANG Xiaoying: An Analysis of the Preliminary Conception for AI Assisted Piano Education


87  夏一婷、蔡梓丰/让音乐辅助大脑休息——冥想音乐研究综述

XIA Yiting,CAI Zifeng: Resting the Brain by Music: A Review of the Studies on Meditation Music





92  齐柏平/唐代“山歌”的内涵与外延

QI Baiping: The Connotation and Denotation of the Folk Songs in the Tang Dynasty


99  丁博、杨曦帆/“整体性”考量:从学理方法与区域实践说起——岷江上游地区藏羌多声部民歌研究回顾与展望

DING Bo, YANG Xifan: A Review and Outlook for the Multi-Voice Songs of Tibetan and Qiang People in the Upper Reaches of Min River


108  吴志闹/琵琶在当代民族管弦乐队弹拨乐组中的配器

WU Zhinao: The Orchestration of Pipa in Plucked Strings of Contemporary Chinese National Orchestra





116  陈海、田可文/论柏林歌曲乐派的三阶段及其风格

CHEN Hai, TIAN Kewen: The Three Stages of Berlin Lieder School and Its Style


127  汪洋、董楚玮/李树化在浙江大学(1946~1956年)的音乐活动考     

WANG Yang, DONG Chuwei: An Investigation into the Musical Activities of Li Shuhua in Zhejiang University from 1946 to 1956


136  池瑾璟/新历史主义视阈下的【满庭芳】研究   

CHI Jinjing: A Study on the Tune Pattern Mantingfang in the Perspective of New Historicism


142  《音乐探索》第三十六卷总目录





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